Community Facebook Groups

Pregnant parent concerned about environmental toxins

Communities with concerns about patterns of birth defects or developmental disabilities can coordinate and communicate using a closed Facebook group that we will create to help your community.

What is a closed Facebook Group?

A closed Facebook group allows its members to make posts that are visible to other group members.

  • New members cannot simply add themselves. To become a new member, you can ask to join or be invited to join. A group administrator accepts the new member.
  • Only group members can see the content of group posts.
  • Only current members can see the group in their Facebook news feed.
  • A closed group’s name, description, and member list are not private.

See our group called Parent Forum as an example..

Getting started

The first step is to fill in this form to make us aware of your concerns. If you believe there too many birth defects or developmental disabilities in your community,
we can help you investigate. Please fill the form to get started.

Birth Defect Clusters

Start a community investigation

Do you believe there are too many birth defects or developmental disabilities in your community? We can help you investigate. Please fill the form below to get started.e

    *Required field

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